3 Days Left, 88%

Thank you so much, backers! Today, with just 3 days to go, we crossed the 88% mark, leaving us only $338 to go before we reach the base goal. We now have 32 generous people who have pledged to help make this novel a published reality.

Yesterday I spent some time looking into legal details for publication, including enhanced copyright protection. The publication plan includes these important steps, some of which involve filing fees. Your backing will allow me to ensure these steps are taken the moment the novel is released.

I've also been working on the finalized cover, which is very exciting! You may notice that I've chosen to pursue abstract patterns and textures for the cover. This is intentional. The preview renders of the cover are pretty close to the mood & look I want, but I have to ensure that the final cover is print quality and that the typography fits for the book's shape and size.

You can expect a whole new set of renders once the cover is finalized—both for paperback and hardcover!

These final three days are when we reach the funding goal. I'm thankful for every one of the backers so far—from people who've known me back when I started working on this book years ago to those who just recently found out about it through the woodwork.

Can't wait to start the publication process for you!