Funding Success

The Kickstarter is funded!

With just 2 hours to go as of the time I'm writing this, 49 amazing backers have contributed 107% of the base funding goal. This means I can move forward on publishing Children of Vale immediately!

As the campaign winds down I have a lot of gratitude for everyone who pledged. Some people out of incredible generosity pledged over-the-top amounts. Some who have known about this project for some time pledged their generous support, and others found out about it through Kickstarter or word of mouth.

To each and every backer: thank you so much! It is a really amazing feeling to have your wind at my back as I move forward with publication.

There are a lot of steps that will take place this January, leading to publication this February. I am close to a cover design I am happy with. I will be contacting backers individually soon to follow up with perk fulfillment. You can expect more general updates here on my author's blog in the meantime. I will continue to update the Kickstarter page as the publication process proceeds until the novel is generally available in February.

This is a great way to kick off the new year, and I have a lot of backers to thank for it. Thank you for your faith and generosity. I can't wait for you to read the novel in earnest. I'm looking forward to holding it in my hands myself.