Letter From the Author

Fifteen years ago I wrote a science fiction manuscript. It took place in a distant world and time different from our own, but addressed uniquely human issues: how belief shapes society, and how deep our loyalty to those beliefs can run in the face of oppression.

It went through many revisions. I lent it to friends, family, and literary professors for review. I even hired a professional editor. But something was missing. Instead of publishing, I shelved the manuscript and it sat idle for nearly a decade.

In 2012, while it percolated in the back of my mind, I rewrote the beginning and jotted down a new ending, but stopped there. Life took over and it sat again, waiting.

Then, in November of 2016, it leapt to the forefront of my consciousness. I had to finish the novel. I dropped everything and wrote furiously, integrating new ideas I’d had over the years. Six months later, I had a new draft.

I lent it out to a small group of “beta testers” with diverse backgrounds. The reviews were unanimous. One reader said she simply couldn’t stop reading after she got past the first few chapters—she finished it that same day.

I want to give you a brilliant, exciting novel that you won’t be able to put down. Now, to bring it to the world, I need your help.

I am self-publishing my novel and I’m using Kickstarter to cover the initial expenses. With your backing, I can pursue a print-per-order plan that makes the book available in print internationally and online. There will be digital versions for e-readers like Kindle.

The campaign will launch on December 1st. There will be sweet perks, like first editions and hardcovers, and some awesome stretch goals that extend the novel’s storyline. If we meet the goal, the book will be available in February, 2018.

Back my Kickstarter and help me publish my debut novel, Children of Vale. Thank you!